Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pioneer Woman




Jalapeno stuff

Well I must say I'm addicted to the Pioneer Woman. She is such a neat lady. I have started making food off her web page. When no one can give me ideas for dinner, I go to her for help. Today I made Bacon-Wrapped Jalapenos and Sesame Noodles. They were delicious. Bob really does not like hot stuff, but he ate more of the jalapenos then the rest of us. I'm sure he will pay for it tomorrow! lol The kids and Bob wanted cookies too. So I made M&M cookies to today. Bob and I spent a little time outside with the puppies. They are so funny. I think we have lost our mind keeping four of them but I think you guys already knew that. You only live once is my motto. The boys were board to death today. They spent the hole day in their rooms watching stupid T.V. Poor kids! Well I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Flint Hills

Indian Monument
Flint Hills

Flint Hills

Natural Spring

Flint Hills

Bob and I and some friends took a 4-wheeler ride out to the Flint Hills. I really was not in the mood to go riding but once I found out we were going to the Springs, I was in!! The springs have water that bubbles up all year round. The water at the Springs is very cold and shallow. You can look for miles and miles and just see rolling hills, cattle and grass. No telephone lines no houses no cars no nothing. I can picture in my head the Indians and the Buffalo out there and how it must have been years ago. It takes my breath away the beauty of it all. They call it "God's country" and I can see why. One of my other favorite places to go in the Flint Hills is Diamond Springs. I would love to live down there (not Bob). I took a picture of a Indian Monument. Not for sure the story on it but it looks neat. I have gone down to Diamond when I have had something on my mind and need to clear my head. This place is so peaceful. I hope that my grand children get to see all the wonderful thing I have got to see in such a natural state. Thanks Bob for another memorable day, I love spending time with you!!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Some fun photo's

Horses at Diamond Springs
Ah, sunflowers

Spiderweb in my garden



Well I have really fallen in love with taking pictures! I have always enjoyed taking pictures but not like I have lately. For some strange reason when I'm just driving around and all of the suddenly I see what I think would be a great picture. I just stop and take my little camera out and just shoot away. I hate when I take a picture and its blurry! Or when I try to do a close up and my little camera wont focus. I have been looking for several months for a new and bigger camera. Not a shoot and point but a DSLR. I have decided to get a Olympus E620 with two different lens. I can hardly wait to get my new camera. I think I will still carry my little camera. It will be so nice to take really close up and far away photos. Here are just a few of my favorite pictures I have taken with my little camera.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

It's so hard to believe that the long weekend is over. Time flies by so fast when your not at work. We started off Saturday by buying a new couch! Man did we ever need one. Then Saturday evening we went to a fish fry with Bob's family. They are so fun to be around. I laugh so much my cheeks hurt when I go home. God has blessed me so with all of them. Family is so important! We drank a little beer and ate way to much. I got some nice pictures of the family. Sunday I worked out side in my yard, fixed dog pins and cleaned out the garage. Monday I attended my first home town chin dig. It was fun, I bought some Alpaca yarn (best part to me) The horses were my favorite in the parade. I really don't want to go to work tomorrow, now that I have been off 3 days. Oh well that's life.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Let's Rumble

Dustin on the line# 78
Dustin blocking

Go Cougers!!

I told him to look mad!

Last night was Dustin first football game. He woke up yesterday and told me that is was very excited and a little nervous. His team was playing the only team that beat them last year in football. I got to the football field 37 min to early. Ash and I set there and talked about school and how her day went. We went to put some stuff in her locker and to make a pit stop. Man, was it COLD, mental note dress warmer next time! I really enjoyed watching the boys play. They did a great job. The other team was for a surrounding school and all their kids were like twigs. Skinny and tall. Our boys corn feed and ranging in different sizes. Number 8 on our team is a hell of a ball player ( don't remember his name ) man could he run and sack! Dustin held his own on the line. The poor skinny little kid had no chance against Dustin. The final score was our school 34 the other school 28. Next Thursday game two. Oh, I almost forgot Dustin is number 78.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kansas SunFlowers

I love the way they are all turned the same way
80 acres of Sunflowers

Just a closeup they are starting to turn

I could see just a few that had a dark center

As everyone knows I love flowers!! Tuesday I was on Hwy 50 just out side Peabody and yes I was speeding a little bit. All of the sudden I saw this HUGE yellow area. It was 80 acres of giant sunflowers. I slowed the orange beast to a stop and put my flashers on and grabbed my camera and headed down to the field. It was breath taking! The first thing that popped in my mind was the Wizard of Oz when Dorthy and the gang got caught in the poppies! As far as you could see sunflowers. I stood there and took in the fresh air and the beauty of these flowers. I took several pictures and then all the sudden there was this older man standing behind me. I was in my own little world (not hard for me to do) and when he said, " Arnt they beautiful, I jumped out of my skin" No weapon on just my little camera! I carry some kind of weapon on me at all times. A weapon could be any thing from a purse, knife, straw, kids,or keys. I turned around and this older gentlemen could tell he frightened me. Mr. Gold said he was sorry for startling me (scared me would be a better word). Then he began to tell me the story behind these beautiful flowers. His family has lived on that farm for generation and this was the first time for them to plant sun flowers. I asked him why they decided to do that? He told me that his granddaughter (age 8)loves sunflowers and thought it would look pretty and would feed lots of little birds. Mr.Gold also told me that several people have stopped and taken pictures. I must admit I kept looking for old barns to hunt the dogs in but could not see because of the trees around his house! Darn the luck. I really enjoyed visiting with Mr.Gold and before I left he asked if I would like to take a sunflower home? "Yes, please I would love one" At that point I realized once again, no knife no nothing! So Mr.Gold got out his knife and cut a sunflower off for a souvenir and off I went back up to Hwy 50 and on my way!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

HaPpY BiRtHdAy AsHleY

It is so hard to believe that my little girl is 17 today. I will never forget the day she was born. I was so happy to have her! Granny fanny was the first one in our family to see her and her first words out of her mouth were, " What a beautiful little baby, she looks like a angel." From that day on Ashley has always been a good kid. Now she is a young lady and I could not be more proud to say I'm Ashley Jensen's mom! Just in the last few years she has really blossomed in to a beautiful young lady. When we first moved to Kansas she was this quite little mouse and now she could be the mayor of our little town. She loves her car, as most teenagers do. It has a "System" that makes Bob and I laugh, we can hear her coming home all the way from the dip (1/2 mile) I tease her that when she has babies that she wont be able to hear them She is such a hard worker and a good student. She is involved in every activity at school, is a mentor to younger girls and one Hell of a basketball player. Ashley shared with me a few days ago that her sister came to her in a dream (she does that every so often) and told her that she has a gift for people that were like her. Kacie told her that she needed to go into a field of work that helps people with disabilities. Now Ash is determined to do this. I cant wait to see what the next 17 years will bring! Mom is so proud of you sis, and I love you more than all the tree leafs in the hole world.

Books I had read

  • Rainwater loved it
  • The Lovely Bones
  • My sisters keeper
  • The Secret
  • The Time Travelers Wife
  • In progress:All new square foot gardening
  • Breaking dawn last book from the Twilight series
  • Eclipse good
  • New Moon
  • Twilight (Could not put it down)
  • The Memory Keepers Daughter (I really could relate to this book)
  • The Guardian (very good)
  • The Horse Whisperer
  • The Smoke Jumper ( really liked it)
  • The Loop it is about Wolves (very good)
  • The Last Lecture

About Me

My photo
Shelly: I am very different than most ladies. I like hunting, fishing, traping,riding my motor cycle, gardening, taking pictures and spending time with my family. I have two wonderful kids and a wonderful step son. I grew up in Texas and moved to Kansas 6 years ago. I have my own hair salon and enjoy my work. I have been a hair dresser for 15 yrs now. I also enjoy my Terriers, they bring me such happiness. Shell